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Sunday, November 9

New Camera

I got a small point & shoot for taking snapshots. I used it to snap the betta fish pics. Hopefully, this will improve my blog pics and you won't have to look at the terrible cell phone photos any more.


betta fish photos

These are my betta fish. They live on and beside my desktop computer. My new camera really freaked out my (normally calm) blue betta. He really didn't like the look of it and swam around his bowl really fast when I tried to get his photo.

The bettas did really well all summer. My office, where they live, stays about 80 or 85 degrees F during the summer months due to the west facing window and poor air circulation pattern in this room. Since it has gotten cold, they haven't been as active.


Sunday, November 2

I finally caught a mouse!

We've had mice for 6-12 months now. Standard mouse traps have been mere serving platters to our furry "friends". Three days ago I put out a 5 gallon orange bucket filled with the meeses' favorite foods. As you can see, there are Cheerios, Kasugai Roasted Peas and Ramen noodles. This is the second mouse I have caught so far in 3 days! This one was delivered to the woods about 2 blocks from our home. He rode on the Ramen cake inside the bucket the entire time.