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Wednesday, July 30

Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog

This new work by Joss Whedon is totally great!
Go to Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog
and watch the episodes for FREE, now:
Or, you can download them off of iTunes for a small fee.

Tomato, Basil, Mozzerella Salad

Saw this recipe in a recent magazine. It's what we've been eating a lot of lately, but we just used the recipe in Rob's head.

German Festival Timonium Fairgrounds

Here are 3 photos I took with my cell phone on July 27th. They are from the German Festival at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium. You can see my Mom and Dad in the foreground in the top photo. Mom is wearing the bag I made her. (You might recognize the fabric from the tutorial below.)

Friday, July 25


If you get spam in your inbox, you can send it to the Federal Trade Commission. Here is a link to their website page on spam:

Thursday, July 24

Maple Info

Here is the info on the maple sugar. The lady at the farmers market said that it is an alternative to processed sugar (brown sugar).

100 Mile Meal

Yesterday, I went to the Catonsville, Maryland Farmers Market.
Here are the results - a lovely 100 mile meal. (The carrots were from CA.)


A tomato & mozzarella salad -
with multi-colored cherry tomatoes and cheese from the market, some cherry tomatoes and oregano from my garden, olive oil, salt and balsamic vinaigrette.

Roast veggies -
The eggplants from the market were small, round and variegated purple & white. The carrots were ones we had in the fridge. They were mixed with olive oil, dried garlic, salt and pure maple sugar (from the market) before roasting. Hubby may have also added some other spices.

The corn on the cob
-was also from the market. They were prepared using the huge pot of water method.